Macclesfield Harriers & Athletic Club

The fell running manager is Tom Whittington - ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Langley Fete Fell Run 2019 - Results and report

Huge thanks to all the runners and helpers who came to the fell run on Sunday 7th July!

Another good turnout for my final year as race organiser. A slightly different route this year proved challenging but hopefully you all thought it made the race more of a 'fell' run.


2019 Club Fell Handicap - FINAL DETAILS


The annual club fell handicap will be held on Sunday 1st December 2019, from the St Dunstan's, Langley. This is for club members (18 and over) only.

- Please car share where possible and park 'thoughtfully' - we do not want to upset the local residents
- Please DO NOT come into the St Dunstan in muddy shoes
- Look out for each other and have fun
- If any family/friends are coming to the pub please make sure that the runners eat first. If family/friends want to eat please pay £6 to Phil

All route details the same as previous years (including the sweetie tree). There will be a time penalty if you miss the sweetie tree section (this will be adjusted according to the weather - but assume 20 minutes). LINK TO MAP

Start times below....

Polly Lander Orienteering Trophy (PLOT) - results and report

Thanks to everyone for turning out, to John for the very generous donation of prizes, to Chris & Pete for help on the day, to the Potters for collecting controls & to Julian for the maps.

A shame that Charlie sprained an ankle about as far away from base as was possible so had a long hobble back. If rehab needs a wobbleboard I`ve got one you can borrow.

We did Allen out of 1 control last night, I`ve checked the other cards this morning so these are the definitive results. We've decided not to penalise Dave B for his attempt to get a lift from Pete!!!

Results below...

Phil Cheek – event organiser


Joe Brown's numbers - summer 2019

Three years have passed since the club first did JB numbers (Joe Brown) and we are delighted to announce that they are going to make a guest appearance. The format will be very similar to the last outings and will be run on two separate Sundays over the summer, July 21st and August 18th. This is for fully paid club members of Macc Harriers.


Polly Lander Orienteering Trophy (PLOT) - Wednesday 19th June

This year's Polly Lander Orienteering Trophy (PLOT) will take place on Wednesday June 19th.

Registration is from 6.30pm with a 7.00pm start from the car park on the climb out of the Goyt valley on Goyt's Lane at GR SK024751 (go down from Pym Chair towards the reservoir, left over the dam wall & up the hill for about a mile, car park on the right by a large pond). 

The format is 2 hour score, collect as many controls as you can. There are penalties for late return. Pre-printed maps in rainproof bags will be provided but don't forget your pencil or pen.

This event is for paid club members. Solos, pairs, accompanied under 16s welcome. Suitable for all standards.

Wear or carry appropriate kit as the weather can be 'unpredictable'. Ground nesting birds on the moorland so dogs only if on short leads please.

Entry free but collection for charity in Polly`s memory.

Prize-giving and post run beers at the Robin Hood (Rainow) afterwards.

Phil Cheek