Macclesfield Harriers & Athletic Club

Competing at XC? - please check your EA Affiliation!

If you're planning on competing at any of this year's XC races (details below) could we ask you to take a couple of minutes to check your England Athletics (EA) affiliation is OK, (and to let us know if there's a problem), using the link below.

Unless you're under 11, you need to be EA affiliated to compete for the club. All junior club members (except under 11's), and all senior 'competing' club members should automatically be affiliated, but we all make mistakes, so please check in advance, and thanks for your help.

If you joined the club as a 'social' senior member, and now want to compete for the club, we can arrange that, please contact me for details.

Additionally, to enter either league, please complete the form on the link below.  

Cheers Julian, Membership Sec, (email julianbrown10 at hotmail dot co dot uk ).


Club Records Updated

The club records spreadsheet has just been updated with some new best performances: well done everyone !!

And, just for info (because they're not really races....) I've attached a link to the 'all time' best performances by club members at our three most popular local Parkruns... in total over 5000 runs now by club members !




Terry's Bench, Macclesfield Forest

For those venturing (walking, running, mountain biking...) into Macclesfield Forest, if you find yourself on the main pathway on the entrance to Shutlingsloe path (at the top of the hill from rangers station, near the Nessit cycle path)....

Have a look for a good looking bench and give a nod to Terry.

This spot is one of Terry’s favourites, it was the point where he felt he was going off the beaten track (and during a certain handicap race, getting lost !

Have a wander up, take a seat and take in the view (enhanced as all the trees below it have been felled !).

Remember your happy memories of Terry, of which I’m sure there are many.

Macc H would like to record our thanks, especially to the rangers of Macc Forest, and also to everyone else who helped in getting the bench put in.

Hill Reps and Park Run Pacers

From Emma...'Morning all .....

Couple of things:
Steve Lomas's hill session has been cancelled for this Friday as it is the day before Wincle Trout Run. He will reschedule so watch this space !

Macc Harriers has agreed to support Park Run with pacers alternating with Bollington Harriers and Run Macclesfield. This will start on July 20th. Pacing will be from 20-45 mins. I think this is a great way for MHAC to support the PR philosophy. I'll post a reminder nearer the date.

Quiz night for Together Trust

Joseph Connor is hosting a quiz night as part of his fundraising for London Marathon. 

Fri 5th April, Macclesfield Conservative Club, 2 West Bank Rd SK10 3BT, 7.30pm. 

Tickets £5, all proceeds to together trust. Refreshments included! 
Tickets from Joseph on 07969 203432 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . 
All welcome : Quite a few harriers will be there!