Macclesfield Harriers & Athletic Club


England Athletics Online Field Judge Courses - Volunteers Needed

In the hope that we may have some T&F competition in 2021, we are looking to recruit more volunteers as T&F officials to support our teams of athletes at league events.  England Athletics are now running entry Level 1 Field Judge courses online, so if any parents, grandparents or club members are interested in helping out in this way, please contact Barbara Murray for further information and register for one of the courses.  The club will reimburse the cost of the course. Dates for the field judge online courses are Wed 23 Sept, Tues 6 Oct, Sund 25 October or Sat 7 Nov - so plenty of choice.  Book online: 

Track Fees 2020-2021

Track fees for the period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021 are now due. Because the track was unavailable for most of April to August, we have reduced the fee from the previously notified £50 to £30.

The fee must be paid by ALL juniors.

The fee is optional for all seniors.

A small number of members paid the full £50 during the period 1st January to 31st March this year. These members are due a refund. If this applies to you, please send your bank details (account name, sort code and number) to the treasurer ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) who will process a £20 refund.

If you have not previously paid the track fee, please make a £30 BACS payment to the normal Macc Harriers membership account:

Account name:     Macclesfield Harriers & Athletics Business Reserve Account
Sort code:              16-24-32
Acc No.                  11038454

Payment reference: ‘Track – Athlete’s surname and initials’

Please make this payment by 30th September 2020.

Thank you

Mark Godden
Macclesfield Harriers & Athletic Club


Phased Return to T&F Training - update

Our phased return to T&D training will being on Tuesday 21st July.

We will be operating on 3 evenings: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Athletes (those who have paid their membership renewals only) will receive an invitation from coaches to a specific session and must only attend their allocated session - they will be given a day, time and track zone to report to. Training is being pre-booked in this way to comply with the strict conditions the club must follow, including the ratio of one coach to five athletes. Therefore, you MUST NOT turn up at the track if you have not been allocated a space on that day. Doing so may lead to sessions being cancelled. Please ensure that you have read the club plans, risk assessment and EA guidance prior to attending any sessions - these are being reviewed and updated regularly and the latest versions can be accessed vial these links:

Risk assessment -

Return to track plan -

England Athletics Guidance -

Phased return to track training - August 2020 update

Our phased return to T&F Training has been updated for August 2020...

The T&F Plans and Risk Assessment have been updated in line with recent England Athletics guidance and following a review after 2 weeks of the phased return to training.  The updates allow for increases in some group numbers in a Covid secure environment, but it is still essential that athletes continue to abide by the 2 metre distance requirement and only attend training on their allocated date and time (for some groups we are not currently able to offer training every week). Coaches will be in contact with athletes /parents to update them on additional requirements.  Please ensure that you have read the club plans, risk assessment and EA guidance prior to attending any sessions - these are reviewed and updated regularly and the latest versions can be accessed via these links: 

Risk assessment -

Return to track plan -

England Athletics Guidance - England Athletics Guidance

Track & Field Coaches

Statement Regarding Resumption of Track and Field Training

Since the Covid-19 restrictions were announced, all formal club training activities have been suspended in line with the guidance issued by England Athletics. Our regular training Track and Field venue, the track at Macclesfield Leisure Centre, managed by Everybody Sport and Leisure, has been closed since March. The leisure centre had been planning to commence a phased re-opening in July, but are currently reviewing this in the light of recent government statements. At present, the club hopes that the track will re-open on 1st August, although this is not confirmed.

England Athletics have updated the guidance on training and coaching, and currently state that it is possible for small groups of up to 6 (ie up to 5 athletes and one coach) to resume training, should appropriate risk assessment have been performed. One of the requirements of any resumption in training is that full social distancing measures remain in place at all times.

The Club’s committee have considered options to resume training activities in line with this guidance, and have endorsed a phased return to training, managed by thorough risk assessment and considering coach and facility availability, and the requirements of different training groups. The adopted approach is as follows:

1. The Performance Sprints group is the first group to resume training, since they require only a small amount of space to conduct their sessions, and can resume training without the use of shared equipment. Training commenced w/c 15th June. Two coaches are be available to each lead a group of 5 athletes in 60 mins sessions. Initial sessions are taking place on private land being made available to the group. It is expected that they will return to training at the track when it is made available to the club. All athletes are be in the U15 age group or above.

2. The Performance Endurance Group will resume training when the track facility is made available to the club. At present, it is expected that one coach will be available to lead two separate groups of up to 5 athletes at a time. All athletes will be in the U15 age group or above.

3. The Multi-Events Group is also expected to resume training when the track facility re-opens. All athletes will be in the U15 age group or above. As with Sprints and Endurance, this group is likely to have to be broken down into smaller groups, and the disciplines which can be coached are likely to be restricted.

4. The Adult Track Training Group is expected to resume training at the track a few weeks after the facility has re-opened. All athletes will be seniors, and the required group sizes and athlete-to-coach ratio will be maintained.

5. It is unlikely that the club will be able to resume training for the U11 and U13 groups until lockdown restrictions are further lifted. The large group sizes would make it very difficult to accommodate these children in small groups, given the number of coaches available. In addition, with younger children it is acknowledged that maintaining social distancing will be more challenging. Coaches are currently considering potential options for offering training to these groups, and will apply the learnings gained from the sessions with the older athletes.


Return to track plan - July 2020

(attached files updated 15th July 2020)

The club will continue to evaluate and adhere to the latest guidance from England Athletics, and will regularly review plans and risk assessments, with a commitment to increasing training activities and ultimately returning to full training when we feel that it is safe and appropriate to do so. Further communication will follow when updates are available.

For any queries, please contact Bob Lynch on 01625 829229.