Attacked by Dog Again

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

Re: Attacked by Dog Again

Postby Julian Brown » Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:28 pm

Although this forum is the home (mostly) of lighthearted wit and banter, with my moderator's hat on I don't think Colin's original post was made (entirely) just to allow us to take the piss.

As well as the numerous cases in the media of late, we've had a couple of incidents over the years at a well-known (ex-)tearoom, and below I've copied a note sent to me from Sharon Johnstone from Wilmslow RC.

Many of us have dogs, several of whom come out Wed nights. and I suspect most of us like them most of the time, but there is the other side....

Hi Julian, I wanted to add to your forum but unable to register. I just wanted to add my bit about dog attacks. I don't know if you are aware but I got savagely attacked on the Bollin near Prestbury in March. The staffordshire Bull Terrier ripped open my arm, I had 4 nights in hospital, 4 weeks off work, unable to do many things I enjoy. I am still undergoing treatment and I will always have the scar on my forearm as well as my mind. Runners MUST report incidents to the POLICE and preferably insist on the owners name and address. There is not much police can do without a name but the saying goes that the first bite is free - meaning unless previous reports have been made then the dog is not classed as being 'dangerous'. I can tell you chapter and verse about dog laws etc. and for those that have seen the pictures will appreciate the damage a 'dangerously out of control dog' can do - this is the phrase runners must inform owner of. Please let me know if I can be of help - I gave a talk at Wilmslow Club one evening. Sharon

Sharon - and Hazel - have perhaps hit the nail on the head, if there's something to report, then report it, with as much information as you can gather, not just moan on here. It's likely to be the only starting point to get things done.
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Re: Attacked by Dog Again

Postby Philip Barnes » Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:08 pm

Julian, well done for bringing some sanity to a thread losing its way!
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Re: Attacked by Dog Again

Postby Colin Ardron » Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:48 am

I do sometimes make feeble attempts at levity, often at and in inappropriate moments and places - I hope this doesn't detract from the seriousness of this issue. Sharon's experience and knowledge are valuable and I will certainly take on board her advice re. getting id info and reporting where that is possible should a repeat occur.
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Re: Attacked by Dog Again

Postby Daisy Pickles » Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:31 pm

I'm so glad (if that's the right word) that people have shared their dog attack experiences on here.

I was out running about a month ago and towards the end of my run I was bitten by a dog. Being fearful of dogs anyway I actually ran out of the way of this dog who was on a lead. It then turned back around completely out of control and bit me at the top of my leg as it was about this height. I was initially shocked and shouted at the owner who just walked away without a comment. Luckily I was near the police station as it happened just near the road out of tesco so I went straight up the hill very upset and reported the incident. Fortunately due to running wear it did not break the skin but had it bitten bare skin it would have been a different story.

Unfortunately not having details meant the owner and dog couldn't be tracked although if the police had gone on the hunt straight away I've no doubt they'd have got her. I'm still holding on to the hope that I'll see her and the dog again so I can contact the police but it's difficult if you're out running alone without a phone! It infuriates me that these people can get away with something so serious.

I'd also like to say thanks to Sharon for sharing her story and I'm very sorry to hear of what happened. Unfortunately I've also had a bad experience running down the bollin where a dog was chasing me and the owner was just stood laughing. I don't understand how people can react like this!?

Fingers crossed we can catch all of these monstrous people and their terrifying hounds.
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