Yo Ho 'O'

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

Yo Ho 'O'

Postby Philip Barnes » Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:00 pm

In response to a conversation I had with Matt Lewis on Sunday;
You are all welcometo attend:

Ho-Ho ‘O’ – Thursday 22nd December

A night-time orienteering event on Thursday 22nd December starting from the Royal car-park in Hayfield. These are the details:-

• 90 minute score navigation (visit as many of 22 controls as you can in 90 minutes)
• Controls will be small tree tags on prominent features (eg finger posts, stiles)
• Mass start at 7.15pm (1st chime of church clock)
• Maps / control descriptions / values available from 7pm.
• Late penalties –
 0-5 minutes late - 1 point per minute
 5-10 minutes late - 3 points per minute
 over 10 minutes - 5 points per minute
• Control values will be between 1 & 5 points
• Bring your own poly bag (maybe two even) plus pen / pencil to record the controls

Controls should be fairly permanent, so will be available for people to run the course over the Christmas period & beyond.

If anyone does choose to do it over Christmas you could post your score/time (distance & route would be interesting as well) for an unofficial competition.

If any of you fancy it, please let me know so we can make sure they are enough maps for all.
See you there?
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Philip Barnes
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Re: Yo Ho 'O'

Postby Hazel » Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:10 pm

Hi Phil, sounds great fun. Kath Turner and I will be coming out to play. We'll go out together, but can we please have a map each.
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Re: Yo Ho 'O'

Postby Julie Gardner » Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:19 am

I am organising the above event for Macclesfield Harriers, but it will be a day event with a 2 hour score. The navigation is basic and I think it is within everyones capability. I have earmarked Sunday 12th February 2017 starting at 9am from the visitors centre in Hayfield and finishing in either Rosies or Millies cafe. There is parking available at the centre (pay) or plenty of spaces on the streets (free). Everyone is welcome and it can be done solo or in groups plus walkers welcome. Please arrive for about 8.45am.

Please post or email me if you intend doing the event so I know how many maps to order. I have visited al lthe controls prior to John's event and they are all in situ....and will be for a long time.

Julie Gardner
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