Shuttlingsloe fell race results

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

Shuttlingsloe fell race results

Postby broon69 » Tue May 31, 2016 10:32 am

The results from yesterdays race are here

Nine Harriers out in total. Simon Harding first man back. Claire Griffin first lady.

Barry can we add this to retrospectively to the Club champs. And consider it for inclusion next year.

Also I think you said you'd add the TWA and AW results if they're we're enough Harries

I counted 6 for AW - and 7 for TWA

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Re: Shuttlingsloe fell race results

Postby BARRY BLYTH » Tue May 31, 2016 6:18 pm

We already have 21 and only 6 to count (inc 1 long)!. I can and will add additional ones as I did say I would if asked with condition that at least 5 harriers and the race is of a "reasonable standard. With Simon Bailey winning Shut certainly qualifies. I was going to put the other 2 in but there was a problem with the times on these as I recall ie not reliable so I didn't.

Cheers Barry
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Re: Shuttlingsloe fell race results

Postby BARRY BLYTH » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:03 pm

Updated the club champs table after Shut (attached). Hasn't affected the leader board. Next race Wincle Trout.

2016 Club fell champs after Shutlingsloe.xlsx
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