fell relay...FRA message

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

fell relay...FRA message

Postby neil clarke » Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:24 pm

there is a message regarding the relays,and possible problems with them,just been posted on the FRA site..

Important announcement

The relay is currently in jeopardy

Despite a polite notice about only accessing Barbon and Middleton Fell via access points and established footpaths there have been several incidents of runners off path trespassing and with dogs not on leads. This has upset local tenant farmers and they have threatened cancelling the event.

In light of these issues we have agreed with the Roger and Pauline Bainbridge that anyone recceing the courses may park in the event parking field at grid ref 632858 and access the courses from there.

Please do not access the land from Barbon village.

Please act responsibly when visiting the area and keep dogs on leads at all times. Individuals not respecting the area will get their team disqualified or may lead to the even being cancelled. Thank you for your cooperation.

An email is being circulated to all team captains.

We have had feedback from the Ian Hodgson Relay to say that some teams had a considerable gap between their pairs of runners. The rule stating that pairs of runners on legs 2 and 3 must stay together and be in comforable communication with each other will be strictly enforced by marshals on all manned checkpoints - both must reach controls together.
neil clarke
Posts: 70
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:28 pm

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