More kayaking - this time it's serious!

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

More kayaking - this time it's serious!

Postby thebunyans » Sun May 11, 2014 11:33 am

MADCC is holding a specific Go Canoeing in Race Boats event at Adelphi Mill, Bollington on 18th May 11.00 to 15.00.

This is a come and try it session for people who may have some experience of canoeing who are interested in getting into competition. This session is also aimed at people who are already into competitive sport, such as triathlon, running or swimming who might want to give canoe racing a try - or want to to get into adventure racing, quadrathlons or canoe biathlons.

Go Canoeing In Race Boats will give you the chance to try solo and 2-person racing kayaks under the guidance of experienced racing paddlers. Be prepared to get totally wet as these boats are tippy compared to general purpose kayaks.

Bring a complete change of clothes in case you fall in (highly probable), shoes that you can wear in the kayak, a towel, and if you have a old cagoule or windproof jacket wear it as it can be cold in the wind even on a sunny day!
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Re: More kayaking - this time it's serious!

Postby mudskimmer » Tue May 27, 2014 12:34 pm

Let me know if another is planned.
Let me know if you know anyone selling kayak.......
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