Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

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Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Beneficial Dictator » Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:40 am

Hi all, A blast from the past making a quick appearance.
Although retired from running due to the repeated calf muscle injury issues, cycling is now taking up more of my time. I tend to do a longish road ride, somewhere between 50 to 100 miles at the weekends, often with " Very Lovely Janet"( who gets away on all up hills ! ). Some of the time though I am "Billy no Mates".
Now the dark evenings are very nearly upon us, anyone interested in meeting up in Macc on a weekly basis to do say a 1.5 / 1.75hrs ride. Much the same idea as the Wed night fell runs but staying closer to Macc so as to not having to drive to start ( just bike ) etc... I have a full compliment of bikes - Mtb, hybrid & road bike & am open to offers of company for routes appropriate for all 3. Macc forest area is an obvious Mtb option, Middlewood Way, there & back etc... is a good blast on the hybrid. Plenty of minor roads for road biking.
Monday or Thursday evenings would be good for me.
I still desperately miss the running. As much as I try to enjoy the cycling its not quite the same. A bike can never take you quite where your feet can.
Either post a reply or give me a call on 01625 424614 or 07940 952881.

Enjoy your Running ( Cycling ) wherever it takes you !.
Cheers all.
Craig Harwood.
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby longshanks » Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:47 pm

Hi Craig, I would certainly be up for this as I am coming round to the same conclusion. Have made various attempts at running over the last year ? or so but it appears that I am as the saying goes running in ever decreasing circles. I desperately miss the running and comradeship that I have been lucky enough to enjoy through the sport but the hip simply won't play anymore. Monday better for me but could do Thursdays if able to negotiate things at home. Have a road bike and hybrid so a few evening adventures would be very welcome. Ewan
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby phil cheek » Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:34 pm

Good for you guys....I know the frustration when you feel you have had to "retire" & miss the company of a group of good folk.
However I won`t be joining you on these evening jaunts cos I couldn`t keep up & am lucky enough not to need to go out in the dark.
BUT,we have so many cyclists in the club now I wonder if we should plan group rides on Saturdays when many of us are out anyway & won`t clash with Sunday runs.
Pete Redhead,Chris Rhodes,Greg Turner & I are often out anyway so could we put something together?
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Beneficial Dictator » Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:41 am

All, in reply to Ewan & Phil. Knowing there are quite a few cycling Harriers I am up for all ideas & certainly would be on for some Saturday trips out, as I know would "Lovely Janet". They are a bit more affected by the need to do domestic stuff & childcare issues for some of us though !.
As to Phil (Cheeky boy ) not being able to keep up - well I want it all to be reasonably sociable, that's half the point. I tire of my own company !. Its just going to be some steady miles.
The other half of the point, of course, is like running in the dark, cold & rain you don't feel so daft / it makes you get out the door & do it, when you are not on your own.
I will speak with Ewan & Phil to set some dates & proposed routes up. I have already spoken with another blast from the past - Mark Mcdermott also seems keen.
Anymore for anymore.
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Donworkin » Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:11 pm

I fancy this,Craig, though I'm not too sure about cycling in the dark these days- wimp I've become. But maybe on a Saturday. See I've recently changed the road bike, nothing fancy mind but I think it's better than the one I got rid of. Never did like that machine even though I used to take it out quite often up until last year, when I went off the thing. I don't mean that literally mind, but the moment when one knows something's not isn't quite right with your plaything. So I stopped using it like before to the extent of actual abandonment.
But now all is different as I've come to the conclusion This latest machine will do me a power of good as long as I can muster the power to push it. It's got good spec' though, so I shouldn't have to complain if I can't keep up.
Please keep informed. :D
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Colin Ardron » Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:27 pm

I may be up for the odd ride out but like my aged friend "no man is a", I have no liking to ride in the dark, so it's Sat morns for me. First I will have to get my average bike mileage above 10 before I can contemplate mixing with the "big boys?"
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Donworkin » Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:36 pm

Did I ever tell you the first wheels I ever had were attached to a boggy? I think I was 5 at the time but could have been 4, due to the fact the box I had to sit in was extremely small. Dad cobbled it together from some old orange crate he acquired from his Veg’ shop. I gather it wasn’t in our possession for too long as I heard a gang from the next street ran-off with it while me and my playmates were up to no good in the local air raid shelter. It was never to be seen again- not by me anyway. But over time I had many play things which bore wheels,though it wasn’t until much later I got a proper bike, from which I’ve never recovered. :D
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Colin Ardron » Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:06 pm

What's a "boggy" - it was always a buggy from our side of Manchester and anyone who said different got a good punching. :twisted:
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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Donworkin » Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:49 pm

Of course, you know, we resided on the south side of town, which was more salubrious than yours. And the “buggys” you used over there were jerry built and the wheels lifted from local Sidings. They said the arms of the kids round your area were like tree trunks after pushing the thinks around all day. Whilst on our-side we had proper pram wheels fitted and, you little shallot, our “boggys” could reach speeds you’d find unimaginable.

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Re: Evening Cycle rides - anyone interested ?

Postby Beneficial Dictator » Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:03 pm

Just so folk know 3 of us ( all running retired / injured ), Ewan Douglas, Mark Mcdermott & myself have been getting out on Wednesday evenings at 7pm from Macc for a 90mins or so thrash on hybrids.This allows us to tackle the odd bit of bridleway & Middlewood Way as well as the more usual minor roads. Anyone else is welcome just contact me.
I will also plan a few winter weekend rides & post up details in due course. Look out for a Xmas / New Year hols special !.
Craig Harwood
07940 952881
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