MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Postby Clare GVS » Fri May 11, 2012 3:37 pm

Hi all,

The first of the summer evening score events will be from the Miners Arms in Adlington on Monday 28th May, GR SJ936817<>

If you would like to book a map for the first event please email<>

Final details TBA but usually a mass start around 7pm and a couple of pounds to enter (bring a fiver and have a beer afterwards). No SID cards, just bring a pen or pencil to write down the answers.
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Re: MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Postby Julian Brown » Fri May 11, 2012 5:52 pm

Can we expact large quantities of brambles and much blood-letting ??

If so we'll be there.

Should we draw lots now for whose job it is to go and find Trev in the dark ??
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Re: MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Postby Clare GVS » Thu May 24, 2012 9:15 am

Final call for orienteering next Monday night - see below from Andy Thornton the series organiser. Email address for responses at bottom of post.

Miners Arms, Higher Poynton GR SJ936817. Last call for maps - thank you to all those who have already responded.
Registration from 6:30pm
Pre race briefing 7:10pm
Mass start 7:15pm
£2 per map adult, £1 per map junior
Bring a pen/pencil and your watch

Courses planned by local boy Eddie Speak....So expect to be challenged
Subtly different area to previous events from the Boars Head
Miners Arms were serving a very nice pint of Deuchars when I was there a week or two ago.

If you are coming, it would also be helpful to the pub if you could respond as follows

1. I would like to eat the Miners' Score Special - Chilli and Garlic Bread for £5
2. I would like to eat - choosing from the standard menu
3. I do not intend to eat

Many thanks, hope you can make it and this weather holds!

Respond by return email please to
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Re: MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Postby mudskimmer » Thu May 24, 2012 8:09 pm

I will be at the next one - promise. Can you ensure that there are leeches, adders, and a few other biting things to compliment the bramble, thistles and nettles!! I also suggest that the checkpoints are also in camouflage green rather than the garish yellow, red & white that any fool can find- well any fool except me!!
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Re: MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Postby Clare GVS » Fri May 25, 2012 9:10 am

Haha, I think he'll definitely lay on a gang of rowdy young bullocks or a field of nettles for you :)

The countryside scores are more like a treasure hunt - no kites to look for, you have to write down the numbers from telegraph poles, house names, that sort of thing. So easier in some ways, harder in others. Looking forward to seeing you :)
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Re: MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Postby MikeG » Fri May 25, 2012 8:16 pm

I haven't seen any official confirmation on the MDOC website, but I understand that one of the later Countryside Score Events is to be based at the Knot Inn in Rushton. Hopefully that should guarantee the delights that Julian and Kath require.
Last edited by MikeG on Wed May 30, 2012 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MDOC Countryside Score 28th May

Postby MikeG » Sun May 27, 2012 11:02 am


Are you going to this on Monday?
My car's decided to deposit all it's brake fluid on the street (and hence undriveable).
Hence, I would like a lift of possible, and I think you live the closest to me (Bond Street).
No worries if not, as there will be plently others going from Macc.

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