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Sunday Run 16th December 2018, Change of plan!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:37 pm
by david tucker
9.30 Lyme Trust10 10k trail run, Lyme Park, Disley, SK12 2NR.

Not the Lyme 10k Run! 9.30. This event has now been cancelled by the NT - Thanks Neil for flagging this up .So we'll still run from Lyme Park (Park in the main car park) but put the time back to the usual 9.30 start time. We can do our own 10K!
If for some reason the forecast changes and things become impossible, I'll post here 8.45 Sunday morning.
If car / NT membership card sharing, meet at Tuckers at 9am. otherwise 9.30 Lyme Park

And now for something a bit different for a Sunday run! The Lyme Park 10k. This event is organised by the National Trust and run monthly around the grounds of Lyme Park. It's non-competitive and you can register on arrival or just join in. A bit like 2 Saturday park runs in one go! Details below:-

"Registration is at 8.30 - 8.50am in the Boiler House located in the Timberyard area near to the main car park. The run starts promptly at 9am. We don't officially time the run, so if your time is important to you please remember to bring your own timing device".

D Group Macc Harriers in Lyme Park.

I believe normal admission charges apply for car parking for this event so group up preferably with someone who has a National Trust membership card to get free admission. I have a spare card that will get a car load in.
Meet at Tucker's if convenient for a 8.15 departure. The cafe opens at 10.00 so a post run cuppa is a possibility.

Enjoy your run.


Re: Sunday Run 16th December 2018

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 2:35 pm
by david tucker
Not the Lyme 10k Run! 9.30. This event has now been cancelled by the NT - Thanks Neil for flagging this up.

So we'll still run from Lyme Park (Park in the main car park) but put the time back to the usual 9.30 start time. We can do our own 10K!

I'll change the original posts.

If for some reason the forecast changes and things become impossible, I'll post here 8.45 Sunday morning.

If car / NT membership card sharing, meet at Tuckers at 9am. otherwise 9.30 Lyme Park main car park.
