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The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:36 pm
by broon69
It's simple, you have 48 hours to run 160 miles. This is 55 times up and down The Hill (part of Shining Tor).
One up and down stretch of The Hill is exactly 2.9 miles.
The Hill Ultra has an elevation of +/- 6380m, which is like climbing to the summit of Everest from basecamp and back down, almost twice!

Looks interesting!

Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:00 pm
by Dave Buxton
What? No diversion to the sweetie tree? I suppose eating 50 chocolates ( or 100 if the diversion was on both legs) might be a bit piggy! :D


Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:57 pm
by jimkelly
All for £99. Plain daft

Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:02 am
by mudskimmer
Daft, boring, overpriced - WHY??

Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:18 pm
by Hazel
If someone's prepared to pay me £99.00 I'd provide a bit of water, food and encouragement!!!!

Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:06 am
by Mr Turnip
This is amazing! It can't just be coincidence can it?

It so happens that I am promoting the inaugural "Run with a Turnip on your Head" ultra on the same dates and on the same hill as the "Hill Ultra".

My event does have a few features which set it apart from the rest.

i) the start will be at the trig point wall on the summit of Shining Tor
ii) the route will take the line of shooting butts which lead down to the sweetie tree (you knew didn't you Mr Buxton!) and then up to the stile and from there to the Cat and Fiddle
iii) all entrants will be required to sport a turnip on their heads at all times; turnips will be provided by the event organisers and will conform to ITTRFE * specifications
iv) anyone seen using outside assistance/support (eg turnip holders, turnip nibblers, plagues of turnip flies etc) will be instantly disqualified
v) the winner will be the one deemed to have completed the most circuits in 48hrs with an intact turnip which will be subject to close scrutiny and CT scanning where appropriate
vi) the decision of the turnip scrutineers will be final and no appeals will be countenanced.

Entries accepted from Oct. 31st : make cheques for £100 (why mess about?) payable to Mr Turnip, Turnip Towers, The Veg Plot.

ITTRFE = International Turnip Technical Regulations for Events

Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:42 am
by Lilly
If there's turnips, then count me in, but I will have to pay in sticks.

Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:04 pm
by Mr Turnip
I knew I could count on you Lily - sticks will be fine. You know Lily, I've been thinking, hard I know but there it is - It gets lonely down on the turnip patch and a lonely turnip gets to thinkin and I's been a thinkin a lot recently and then you comes along - what I means is - do you fancy going to the pictures tonite? Theres a great film on "Carry on Turnip". You can bring a stick if you like, I know the owner of the cinema and it'll be ok. We can sit on the back row - nudge nudge wink wink! :wink:

Re: The Hill Ultra

PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:56 pm
by Dave Buxton
Well,whilst I am sure that Andy has introduced Lily to grooming in the past , I am pretty sure it was not this type. Be afraid Lily, be very afraid.....