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Sunday Run 28th June 2015

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:51 pm
by david tucker
9.30 Coffee Tavern, Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley

A ~2 hour off-road run from this historic venue adjacent to Lyme Park where there are many interesting footpaths for a sunny Sunday morning run. Tea & cakes afterwards in the venue cafe.

The Coffee Tavern, Pott Shrigley.

NB Park neatly in the overspill car park on the left as you enter the cafe car park.


Re: Sunday Run 28th June 2015

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:48 pm
Me and Trev are doing the Cartmel races. We qualify as we have 4 legs between us. We had a good day out ca 23 miles.


Re: Sunday Run 28th June 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:41 pm
by Donworkin
Interesting run this morning from here at the Coffee Tavern. Mainly due to Jim Kelly’s leg mauling by two vicious dogs while crossing early fields by farm where dogs appeared. It’s true they had short legs but there were nothing short about their bite, as Jim, would confess. Actually I didn’t see the incident being slightly in front but I could hear the ballyhoo behind and then, Jim, holding a voracious altercation with a woman from the farm while the dogs were still running rampant. At one juncture I thought Jim was ready to leap the fence into the yard to make his point but simmered down somewhat and eventually we moved off with great discussion about unruly dogs and difficult to understand owners. By the time the run was over, Jim, I think, had worked out his intention concerning the dogs and possible prosecution regarding the owners.
Later in the car park and behind a hedge I could hear but not see Mr Tucker say to Jim, bend down. To which I pricked my ears, then heard him say, lower.

One never quite knows what goes on between members of the club but on this occasion Dave, was taking a picture of Jim’s, and blooded leg. No doubt to us as litigation against the owners of the Jack Russell dogs. And lets all hope the owners get their just desserts.

Re: Sunday Run 28th June 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:28 pm
by jimkelly
It's dangerous out there. The facts are as follows: About 6/7 minutes after leaving Coffee Tavern, we crossed a stile by Lockgate Farm (OS943813) whereupon our safe passage was interrupted by two Jack Russells, loud and yappy, snapping at our heels. Following correct and long-established procedures, we continued along the footpath, trying to ignore the little blighters but then one bit a chunk out of my right calf. Blood flowed, but still the wild things followed us. At last, out from the farm came the owner, I told her what her beasts had done to which she replied, 'Were you jogging?' Well, I wasn't standing for that, I'd been putting on a good turn of speed up that point, and the blood boiled (even the drops on my calf joined in). 'Listen here, my fine woman,' I sharply retorted , ' that's enough of that kind of talk. Your animals are vicious and I am considering my options.' She offered me cream but I was in no mood for that kind of trickery. Our gallant party then proceeded on our way to Lyme Park, unable to talk of little else but what had transpired.
Later, I brought my concerns to the attention of Cheshire Constabulary, careful notes were taken, and Mr Tucker's photos of the wound were viewed with a mixture of anxiety and nausea by the young public custodians of our safety. Before leaving, I was assured that their best lads would be swiftly deployed in order to bring the matter to a speedy and satisfactory conclusion.
So there it is. Just be careful round those fields of Adlington/Pott Shrigley. You might be identified as a jogger.

Re: Sunday Run 28th June 2015

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:59 pm
by Colin Ardron
These sunday runs can be wild at times - I'm sorry to hear of your encounter with the direct results of irresponsible dog ownership Jim. I've had it, when a dog leapt up at me, almost up to here. For example it's difficult to run in Macc Forest these days without coming across some ignoramus with a dog(s) off lead and out of control - I've not only been bitten by a dog but been threatened with violence from owners because I had the temerity to suggest that they might consider keeping their little darlings under control. I know my rant isn't PC, how can it be in the face of such blind stupidity on the part of what seems to be an ever increasing number of dog owners who are totally clueless.

Re: Sunday Run 28th June 2015

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:59 pm
by Lilly
Good job you didn't run through Bollington. I am proper ard and would have scrounged food off you!