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Fell Taster Session 27th June

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:25 am
by mudskimmer
Sadly we are postponing the Fell Taster Session to September due to a number of sporting clashes.
BUT - there will still be a run on Saturday 27th June from Common Barn Farm @ 10am.
With the 'novice' off-roaders in mind - it will be 5miles with the option of adding a extra couple of miles on for those that want to. Everyone welcome!

So basically - the Fell Taster Session - minus the 'session' !

If possible - post here if you intend to come so we can warn Rona about how many scones she needs to bake. :P

Re: Fell Taster Session 27th Ju

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:35 am
by mudskimmer
Just a reminder - Saturday 27th 10am Common Barn Farm, Rainow - all abilities off-road run, followed tea & buns!