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Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:11 pm
by Mr T
For those not on my Facebook event list and those who I've not managed to contact yet... The Date: Sunday 12th October Venue: Standing Stone Car Park, Macclesfield Forest. Start time: 9am Some of you may remember running the 7 Cheshire Tops route with Craig a few years back. If I'm right, i think it may have been a route first devised by Alan Ireland but it was Craig who instigated it. (Forgive me Alan if my facts are not 100% correct!) I've run the route quite a few times since, once with just Craig and myself. I thought it might be a nice idea if a few of us could gather and have a run around it again in his memory. The full route is about 21 miles visiting Shutlingsloe, Tegg’s Nose, Kerridge Hill, White Nancy, Nab Head, Sponds Hill and Shining Tor. Folks are welcome to run, jog, walk or cycle all or part of the route. Everyone welcome. If you could let me know if you're interested, just so I can estimate possible numbers. A few have already confirmed they'll be there.

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:37 pm
by Dave Buxton

Sounds like a plan. Should be up for this.



Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:43 pm
by Julian Brown
Many thanks for organising Jon,

Now up on the main website.

I would imagine (Jon ?) everyone is welcome - and someone could advertise on the FRA forum, or Email to non-Macc H if appropriate ?

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:06 pm
by Mr T
Cheers Dave and Julian. Yes everyone is of course most welcome, especially if they knew or had some connection with Craig, it will be nice to have a good throng, but I'm not sure about advertising it on the FRA Forum to be honest. I don't want it to appear as any kind of race or official event. Is that ok? Perhaps a few emails to people who i may not know or be able to reach personally would work better. For those of you who have run this route before, please note there is no permission granted to run from the Nab to Pott Shrigley other than the official out and back path as signposted. Standing Stone car park is quite small so please car share as much as possible and park considerately. Cheers.

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:20 pm
by phil cheek
A brilliant idea.
Not sure if I can come & anyway it would be a VERY long day at my pace.
Any ideas how to cycle it cos then maybe (the very lovely) Janet could come?

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:21 pm
by Mr T
Phil I'm not sure about cycling it, may be a bit problematic in places I guess, even for MTB's, I just wanted to include everyone, thinking of the few that don't/can't run these days. Perhaps if a few cyclists wanted to meet at Standing Stone with us and then tootle off on their own route around the roads that link up the 7 tops route that would be more as to what I was suggesting.

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:41 pm
by david tucker
Phil - don't worry, we can just set off and as the route heads towards Bollington/Macc, we can cafe stop when we feel like it and get in a previously planted car! I'll post it as the Sunday run unless Jon T wants to? Would be interesting if somebody wanted to set a time for the route. Make a bit of a race/time trial of it or just a steady run or just a potter around. I'm sure Jon can accommodate all if several folks know the route.

We often use the route off the Nab although the footpath stops just below the summit on the Bolly side, so this doesn't pose a threat to moving onto Sponds.

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:13 am
by Hazel
I'll be there, but steady run please as would like to do the whole route :)

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:25 pm
by Mr T
People are absolutely free to do what they want especially if they've done the route before but the spirit of the run was to go steady in one or two groups. If the pace is too pedestrian for some then the option of doubling back is always on. Nobody is to be left behind or running on their own. If anyone has their racing legs on when we get to Shining Tor then a sprint back to Standing Stone could be fun!

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:21 pm
by phil cheek
I`m definitely away so can`t make it

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:36 pm
by Donworkin
What a good idea, Mr T. I’ll be there to give-it-a-go but, I fear I won’t be able to keep-up with you guys over that sort of distance. It’s no problem though. It’ll just give me plenty of time to reflect on recent events and other things that may come to mind. Where better place for such thoughts, other than the locality in question? There, on clear sunny days, views can be staggeringly beautiful and uplifting. And even on those dull uninspiring days the mood never dampens or disappoints. To be up there is an experience not to be forgotten.

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:00 pm
by Colin Ardron
I hope very much to be there - it's a smashing route and what better way of remembering and celebrating our Ben. Dic.

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:20 pm
by wheeloruns
For those racing xc the day before but who would like to join this run please can the route be set out so choices can be made about possible drop out points or a map like for the club fell handicap. Many thanks

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:35 am
by Simon
Down to work that day and currently having difficulty swapping off it.

Re: Harwood 7 Memorial Run - Sun 12th Oct

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:28 pm
by Mr T
Donworkin (Alan?) your sentiments are exactly what this run is all about. Nicely and poetically put, Craig would agree I'm sure.

Simon, it's a shame you can't make it, another time maybe.

Wheeloruns - I'll do my very best to produce a few maps but this route is mostly done from memory, in true Macc Harriers fellrunners fashion. I can verbally describe the route in detail but to be on the safe side, please bring a map with you just in case. The route is fairly straight forward so pick one of the 7 tops to drop out from, depending on how far you want to run and work your way back from there. cheers.