Sunday Run 29th June

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

Sunday Run 29th June

Postby Donworkin » Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:27 am

Sunday run 9:30am, Blaze Farm. Because you’re worth it. So, squeeze in the tights don the shoes lets do things that lightens the mood. Why not shout, even sing, or feel like some bird when on the wing. Then onto the hill, all should be still, see nature captured in prime. It’s all there to be savoured and not to be laboured so do come along even sing your own song but, don’t make it long. :D

Details link to the venue.
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Re: Sunday Run 29th June

Postby Donworkin » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:49 pm

A good turnout for this little frolic into the picturesque area of, blaze Farm. Conditions improved shortly after the start so I presume people were glad they didn’t take heavier gear cos it felt quite warm on the climbings. Good views were had from above The Hanging Gate PH, over the Cheshire plain with the ever present, Jodrell Bank, looming in the middle ground looking like something out of space with its huge disc- shaped receiver dominating the landscape. Then a respite down hill towards the Waterworks and round to the Heronry before the climb up towards Shutters. It was at this point of the way the fitter-ones in the group took the easier option to Shutters. True, their route proved longer than ours ( 1.24 miles to be precise) but they didn’t have to endure the pain and suffering we had to, by taking the steepest route. So it’s true they went further than we did but, we tolerated/endured more pain. Which proves we would make better spy’s than they would- that is if we ever got caught.
You may well be wondering at this point what the hell has spying got to do with running. And my reply to that sensible question would be, I haven’t the faintest idea. I just felt like saying it. :D

The route of the pain bearers.
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