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UTMB, Eiger Ultra or other Alpine Ultramarathons

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:43 pm
by Tom Whittington
Anyone nervously waiting for the outcome of their UTMB application should consider the Eiger Ultra (100km/6,500m) in Switzerland as an alternative should the ballot not go their way. That goes for anyone else considering an apline ultra this year too.


Well, apart from the obviously amazing scenery and challenge airing on the ridiculous, there are currently 7 registered Harriers, which means that we are by far the most represented club from GB. In fact (insert Jeremy Clarkson voice), we currently have the largest representation of any team, including the home nation, in the world! (Can you tell I had time on my hands yesterday?)

So lets get the numbers up a bit more, hey? And then Barry'll have no alternative but to include it as part of the fell champs for 2015! :mrgreen:

See you on the start line.

PS - I realise this is a bit short for some of you, but you can always go around twice. You know who you are.

Re: UTMB, Eiger Ultra or other Alpine Ultramarathons

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:23 pm
by mudskimmer
Several of us have already entered.

Re: UTMB, Eiger Ultra or other Alpine Ultramarathons

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:26 pm
by mudskimmer
....have already entered the 2nd edition of this race. There are also 51km & 16km categories - something for everyone :D

Re: UTMB, Eiger Ultra or other Alpine Ultramarathons

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:40 am
by Tom Whittington
I heard whispers of some potential interest in this race last night, so just as a reminder:

Now that the UTMB places have been allocated the Eiger Ultra places are going like hot cakes.

There are curently 13 places left in the 101km and 81 places left in the 51km.

Re: UTMB, Eiger Ultr.

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:11 am
by mudskimmer
reluctantly I've had to withdraw from the TDS & the Eiger - to say I'm gutted is an understatement!!
Cancelling flights, & accommodation for the Eiger has been straightforward - but trying to cancel my race entry so far has been impossible. For over week now I have been trying to contact the race organisers and the insurance company (as directed by the website) and so far have not received single reply!
With a waiting list for the race you'd think I'd get a reply immediately, as indeed I did for the TDS.

Well, good luck everyone who is going !

Re: UTMB, Eiger Ultra or other Alpine Ultramarathons

PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:21 pm
by Tom Whittington
Very sorry to hear that. I hope you get a response from them soon, but more importantly get new challenges in your diary.
Best wishes.

Re: Eiger Ultra place available

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:06 am
by mudskimmer
I can transfer my place if anyone wants it. call 07706884394 for details - Kath.