Sunday Run 24th February 2013

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

Sunday Run 24th February 2013

Postby david tucker » Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:22 am

9.30 Common Barn. A ~2 hour run from Rona's with tea & cakes there afterwards.


Common Barn Farm, Smith Lane, Rainow, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5X

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Re: Sunday Run 24th February 2013

Postby Donworkin » Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:26 pm

A good turnout of 18 gathered in the yard of this most popular venue. All manner of size but mostly thin runners huddled in sub zero conditions before setting off up the valley towards Dunge Farm. The ground was rock hard but these hardy souls danced their way between low lying obstacles of frozen cow s%#! and horse dung that littered the way. The last field before the short but steep climb to Charles Head is normally bog ridden but today our feet were spared the mire and only need concentrate on the climb to the road ,where if one is not too careful could be easily taken-out by a fast moving vehicle on its way to wards Macclesfield .
There's something about the area above Harrop Fold that's quirky. It's not quite bleak, yet it has that feeling of isolation. It's not too far from town but its far enough. Steeped in history of course and that's what probably makes it interesting. The pack- horse trails are still there to be seen, as are ancient foot paths going in several directions from The Farm.
The Highwayman PH. just up the climb must have been a welcome sight for people in times past wanting to whet their whistles. For us today the place was useless as it's now closed, gone the way as many have in these funny times we're living.
We had to be satisfied with refreshments from the Barn, where Rona, as usual , did us proud. :D

The link to the route we took
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Re: Sunday Run 24th February 2013

Postby Brian J » Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:47 pm

Many thanks for leading today. It was perfect for my first proper run after a 2 month lay-off. I was impressed how you maintained discipline. Not once did we get involved in any Tuckerish escapades.
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Re: Sunday Run 24th February 2013

Postby Simon » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:36 pm

Afraid I slept too long and missed what seems to have been a good, convivial morning's run. Did get out though and about eleven o'clock saw me follow the Fell Handicap route plus a detour over Kerridge ridge to,recover the car from Tytherington. Plenty of snow and ice on the top and I ought to have carried more clothing, but in the end was warm enough and had a good trip out.

Should have brought my camera.
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