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PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:19 pm
by phil cheek
It`s that time of year when I carefully inspect the size & quantity of unsolicited gifts before finalising start times.
We increasingly get runners turning up for whome I have little or no history(friends,offspring returning from college etc) and of course as long as they know how to look after themselves they are very welcome.It would be useful if folk could let me know of anyone they are bringing along & a clue of who they might run with.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:54 pm
by Simon
I think my record speaks for itself...

But I'll elaborate... it's been a year of PBs:

I bust a gut to knock a minute off my time at the Roaches and even harder to improve by 9 seconds at the Langley 7... Shuts was a bit better than last year, but not much... and still at the.. ahem... modest end of the field

... I think a start in the dark is still the order of the day :wink: ... especiallly as I am sporting a nasty chest injury, following an embarrassing icy tumble :oops:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:18 am
by matt kowalski hicks
I'll be running/walking round with rose who has yet to get round the route in one go (thanks to snowy conditions mainly) but i expect it will take her/us 4 hours at least

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:53 am
by phil cheek
I`ve got you & Rose in the 1st group out with Nancy & Alan starting at 0900 .

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:02 pm
by Hazel
I reckon it'll take me hours Phil - still not recc'd the route and will have to do a lot of map reading me thinks! Also had a smashing run with Larry today in the Goyt, but by golly I'm tired and achy now. Larry of course just toddled along happily while I was huffing and puffing behind!! If anyone goes by Goyts Clough Quarry have a look at the icicles, they are absolutely fantastic.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:10 pm
by phil cheek
you`re scheduled off at 0920 with a group,so hopefully you will not need to navigate.
Have you any days early next week when you can recce?I might be available Tuesday?
By the way I saw one of the owls hunting the moor near the forest edge last week.Long or Short eared????No idea.We saw short-eared up there in winter last year though they should be down on the estuaries.Would the Long-ears still be around(a couple of hundred metres from where I saw the fledgeling in summer)?
David Norman tells me no way to tell.Do you have any info?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:43 pm
by Hazel
Thanks Phil. Hopefully they won't go off like whippets!!! Not sure when free next week, trying to get a day off, possibly Tuesday. Larry may also be free for a run which would be good.

Short eared/long eared owls not really sure. Would think more likely to be long eared given that appears to be their "territory" but also 'cos they were along the forest edge. Short eared generally seem to hunt across the moors and more in the day. Also, I would think short eared would appear a lot lighter (even at night). However, I am no expert, so if there is an expert out there?!.... Sensible contributions please - hmmm I wonder if that's possible!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:47 pm
by Donworkin
I thought saw a big owl in the forest last week but couldn’t tell if it was a long or short-eared one. It may have been neither. It could have been one of a number of buzzards that frequent areas of the forest these days. But to capture the moment a keen eye is needed of which I don’t possess. I bet it was really a young pterodactyl on the loose. ':?'

I wouldn’t mind joining you for a trundle in the jungle as well. Who knows what we may come across. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:34 pm
by geofpet1
Are you publishing a full list of start times Phil?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:21 pm
by Hazel
Have got Tuesday off and Larry and I (provided Larry well enough as has been poorly this week) aim to run from Common Barn Farm 9.30 am Tuesday morning. Phil, will Rhona mind us parking there? Anyone else up for it?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:46 pm
by Donworkin
How far are you aiming to run Hazel?I ran like a plonker out there today but if it's not too far I may join you. But then I may not.

Don't mention Sweety Trees to me. If gold bars were hanging there I'd be quite happy to leave well alone. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:45 pm
by matt kowalski hicks
Hi Phil, rose and I ran the whole route minus the sweetie tree diversion today and it took about 4 hours 15 minutes. I imagine next week will be about the same

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:46 pm
by mudskimmer
Barn owls 'hawk' during the day at this time of year. I saw 2 last week - fantastic!
IF I run next Sunday ( alot on at the moment) I'm only going to amble round (as usual).
Had a lovely 3hr amble around the Roches this morning tho'.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:41 am
by Simon
Hazel wrote:Have got Tuesday off and Larry and I (provided Larry well enough as has been poorly this week) aim to run from Common Barn Farm 9.30 am Tuesday morning. Phil, will Rhona mind us parking there? Anyone else up for it?

I'd love to Hazel, but sadly having to work and my ribs are still very sore... should be OK for Sunday, and certainly keen to get stuck in with headtorch at the ready :wink: ; the route is EXCELLENT 8) ... though as you mention Alan, would happily miss the sweetie tree :? Missing this Wednesday (again) due to ribs and school carol service.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:48 pm
by phil cheek
I`m away in Scotland at the moment,gazing across the Firth of Clyde to Goat Fell from Annette`s.Sunlit,calm & quite wonderful.
I am expecting to have to work tomorrow so probably won`t be able to join a recce.If starting from Rona`s prob best to drop her an email(google Common Barn),or meet at Teggs Bottom & save yourselves the out & back to Rona`s.
I will publish a list of times when I get back home.
Note there is a warning of a big dump of snow for Thursday so watch the website for confirmation that we can or cannot get to Rona`s