Naylor Success

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Naylor Success

Postby Northern Chris » Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:15 pm

Congratulations to Jim Kelly on his successful Naylor crossing. Having had a night with some pretty awful weather it picked up and he had a clear day, completing in 22.55.
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby phil cheek » Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:27 pm

A great effort by Jim and also by Julie G & Hazel who got him through an absolutely awful night of wind and rain over the Fairfield leg.
Nearly half an hour up at Kirkstone became an hour down at Dunmail.
Still in bad conditions Julie continued as navigator with Tucker & his gadget in support together with new Sherpas.
As conditions improved to give later support a sunny run over the last leg,navigated by Northern Chris,time was recouped to finish inside 23 hours to be welcomed by Joss & his family.
20+ gathered for celebratory meal and drinks and we were honoured that Joss joined us for the evening together with his daughter.
After a slight hiccup Jim made a fine speech paying tribute to all and sundry.
But of course the true hero was Jim who becomes the oldest Macc Harrier to complete the Naylor,well done Jim
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby jimkelly » Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:29 pm

A dubious honour to be cited as the oldest Macc Harrier to complete the Naylor, and Brian J might dispute the award, but until birth certicates have been produced and verified I shall take at least temporary possession of the title.
Arrived back home an hour ago and the reality is only just sinking in. I feel very chuffed and thankful that all the hard work of preparation has paid off. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to all my helpers, particularly the two guys above, Dave Tucker, and Julie Gardner whose many talents extend to footcare and the making of a most delicious breakfast. In my few words of thanks after dinner I gave thanks to everyone who helped me get round. Those of you that couldn't be there I will thank personally when I next see you. I was delighted that Joss accepted our invitation to the pub and we all enjoyed his company
The hiccup that Phil referred to was a spasm in the diaphram probably induced by the sudden change from hill food and isotonic drinks to stroganoff and beer. Joss did warn me about it! I was helped enormously by Ang's professional skills and sensitivity and also by Lesley, the landlady at the Strand Inn. Thankfully my medical crisis didn't spoil the evening.
As Phil mentioned, it was a dreadful night and we lost a lot of time. I developed a falling-over sickness, discovering that in certain conditions mudclaws can gather mud in their spikes as easily as they usually dispel it. We were so glad to get down to Dunmail. After that it was relatively plain sailing. Everyone's advice beforehand was to 'keep putting one foot ahead of the other' and that's what I did ( except when I fell over!). I think I can say I enjoyed it despite the hard work and occasional pain. We had some stunning views, especially on Legs 1 & 4, and a most glorious sunrise. We also had brief sight of the fabled blue moon but as it was August 1st by then it probably didn't qualify.
Would I recommend the JNC to others? Yes, but only if you really want it and can do the hard work. When the next attempt is announced I shall certainly be offering my help
My heartfelt thanks to all who supported and encouraged me. There maybe many more beers to be bought!
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby david tucker » Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:20 pm

Well done Jim. Pleased to help you get round along with everyone else out with you for the weekend. Not so pleased with the cold, orrible rainy conditions that prevailed to add to your challenge but make it all the more of a noteworthy achievement, documented for all time and appointed to membership of the Joss Naylor Round Club.

You did do it on the night of the blue moon, the first for 3 years and we may be able to see a picture of it as you passed by on your way to Steel fell if Julian can post it here.....
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby BARRY BLYTH » Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:52 pm

Four of us (TL; JF;AL and BB) went for an easy run of ca 8mls from the campsite this am. By the time we got back the tents had dried and the sun was out. Shame you couldn't make it Jim.
Great stuff Jim I was impressed but not surprised at your persistance in ascending Seatallan with nothing left in the tank. Well done.


PS The deadline for the Sept Go mag is Aug 9th. Are there any plans to submit an article? If not can add a brief supplement to the Fell report I'm planning to do "happenings on the Fells". Phil's commentary above is a good basis.
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby Simon » Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:54 pm

Well done Jim. Sounds as though there were a few challenges, but enjoy the afterglow.
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby Colin Ardron » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:55 pm

Many well dones JIm.

I know something about how much you put into achieving your success and that was a lot - there was undoubtedly much more done behind the scenes.

You very graciously accepted my request back in early Spring to join you on your JCN and I'm very grateful for that. You also gave me some sage advice about the folly of continuing to do fell races in the lead up to the challenge. Did I listen? Of course not! Well the outcome was I suppose inevitable - the old tendons and joints can only stand so much and the Kinder Trog was to be my downfall - as it were; the achilles became a sore point which coupled with pre-existing tendon issues in the same foot effectively put paid to my attempt.
On the day I couldn't resist the temptation to go up to Sty Head to meet you and the support crew, neither could wild horses prevent me from going up Middle Fell to accompany you to the finish with everyone else. Marvellous! Seeing you there on the bridge with Joss and his family was nothing short of blooming grand.
I do however have a very sore achilles two days later but nothing that a pint or two of Hobgoblin won't sort out :D

Thanks for the ride and who knows - next year?
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby Hazel » Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:04 pm

Oh that photo of the "blue moon" is really rubbing it in!! I have to admit I did have a very brief glimpse of it when I was heading back down the motorway at about 5.30 Saturday morning. Absolutely brilliant result Jim, the conditions on Leg 2 would have broken a lesser man. It wasn't just the apalling weather, the ground conditions were pretty awful too, paths became streams and all the rock extremely slippery. Hypothermia was becoming a real risk as with the wind and rain and cloud on the tops, it was impossible to jog/run as visibility was too poor, so keeping warm was difficult if not nigh on impossible at one point. Julie did a sterling job with the navigation and I have to take my hat off to Kath and Greg who on both road crossings provided hot drinks and food for us all and made sure that each group set off with Jim's bag of clothes and food. They also provided a "taxi" service for me and others. Despite everything, overall I thoroughly enjoyed myself and as always with these challenges it was great to catch up with old friends and get to know new ones as well. Here's to the next one. Who's next then?
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby mudskimmer » Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:38 pm

Well Done Jim - for hanging in there when all the elements were against you. Glad you got to finish in the sunshine, and go on to have a good time in the sunshine!!
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby jimkelly » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:04 pm

I appreciate all the kind comments. Thank you
The various contributions have highlighted the bad weather on Leg 2 and it is probable that some lessons can be learned from our experiences. Although I felt ok during the Fairfield crossing and always had faith that Julie would bring us through, as indeed she did, we should really have had another supporter. The thought did occur to me at one stage when we were struggling to find the path that it would only need a minor injury (easily sustained in those conditions) and we would be in s*** street. Seeking help would have involved one person being alone. I don't know if any of us had a phone (I didn't) or whether we would have had a signal in any event. My responsibility to have ensured there was a good balance of support on all legs, a principle I will certainly incorporate in the planning for my attempt to improve my pb next year (is he joking...?*)

I am recovering pretty well. The quads still a bit delicate, more so since Judith gave them a seeing-to this morning. Probably have a bit of a jog tomorrow. Generally, to use Simon's memorable phrase, I'm basking in the after-glow!

It's expected that successful JNC contenders raise some money for charity. My chosen charity is a local one, I don't intend to ask harriers, many of whom helped me in achieving the JNC to donate but should anyone wish to do so then please contact me by email -

* yes he is!
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Re: Naylor Success

Postby Brian J » Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:10 am

I might be older than Jim but the important thing is that he was much older that me at the time of doing it. He was 68 years 1 month and 14 days old whereas I was a mere 65 years 9 months and 5 days.
In the conditions I reckon Jim's is the much greater achievement. When I heard about Jim's success and the weather he had endured I was thankful that I had had such benign conditions. However, I then felt a bit jealous because Jim's Naylor will become a never forgotten legend in the club's history. Over a few drinks after a club run people who were no further North than Hazel Grove on the night in question will claim to have accompanied Jim on Leg 2 between Kirkstone Pass and Dunmail Raise over Fairfield. Let it now be placed on public record that Jim was accompanied by only two people on this leg - Julie G and Hazel.
Congratulations to Jim and to everyone who helped him. I am only sorry that I could not have been there to endure the pleasure and the pain, and to claim to have been on any of the legs.
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