Sunday Run 1st February 2015

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

Sunday Run 1st February 2015

Postby david tucker » Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:10 pm

9.30 Bullocks Lane, Sutton, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 0HE

Park in Bullocks Lane by the canal bridge No. 44 A ~2hour run off-road in the snowy landscape of tracks and fields.

Daily Telegraph photograph winner, Mark Helliwell from Macclesfield. His photograph was taken at Higher Sutton near Macclesfield. He says "I was particularly struck by the line of trees and sweeping shape of the dry-stone wall, all leading towards the tower"

We were thinking about going to Flash but as it will be so slushy, cold and wet underfoot not even the caff there can make up for it. So best to stay local which will make the driving easier as well in the event of more snow.

OS Map reference: Sheet 118 Stoke-on-Trent & Macclesfield area, ref SJ923 715

Bridge 44 over canal. 1831. William Crosley, engineer. Roughly coursed and squared Kerridge stone, laid in smaller blocks over string course. Skew bridge with elliptical arch
with voussoirs and keystones, string course and parapet with terminal piers.

Afterwards in the delightful garden centre cafe nearby!!


Last edited by david tucker on Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunday Run 1st February 2015

Postby Brian J » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:39 pm

Good decision. Just checked the BBC Travel page to find ....
"A53 Derbyshire -
A53 Leek Road in Buxton closed in both directions between the A54 Macclesfield Main Road junction and the Flash Bar junction, because of snow"

The Cat-cam shows traffic going past the Cat and Fiddle but the lights illuminating snow in the carriageway.
See you tomorrow with tales of wading through the snow and bowls of soup at the Kinder Trial.
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Re: Sunday Run 1st February 2015

Postby Hazel » Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:50 pm

"Slushy" Tucker???!!!!!! More like massive snowdrifts and howling winds. Tried to get up to Axe Edge this evening and ended up trying to wade through thigh high snow in bitingly cold winds and eventually had to give up!!!

Enjoy your run tomorrow and hearing Brian's tales of derring-do!!
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Re: Sunday Run 1st February 2015

Postby david tucker » Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:13 pm

Well - here are the results. Looked like you not only survived but actually finished Brian! Mind over matter - or the snow?
Start: Finish : Time:
2 Simon Harding 10:54:00 12:22:10 01:28:10
36 Matthew Lewis 10:35:00 12:37:12 02:02:12
50 Ian Hughes 10:25:30 12:37:33 02:12:03
52 Digby Harris 10:26:30 12:39:04 02:12:34
53 Molly Whittall 10:29:00 12:42:44 02:13:44
61 Martin Rands 10:28:00 12:46:02 02:18:02
62 Trevor Longman 10:23:00 12:42:43 02:19:43
107 Brian Jackson 10:04:00 12:55:28 02:51:28
108 Julie Gardner 10:04:00 12:55:28 2:51:28 (Dark Peak FR)
113 Clare Griffin 10:17:30 13:13:45 02:56:15

Apologies - it doesn't format very well when copied & pasted!
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Re: Sunday Run 1st February 2015

Postby BrianMac » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:55 pm

Never mind all this "derring-do!!" stuff, getting us back on the subject of this post, here is the route I took and a few pics. (opens in GoogleEarth)
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Re: Sunday Run 1st February 2015

Postby mhlewis » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:59 am

It is difficult to tell from a still picture, but in some of these photos at least, some of you look as if you are not running but doing that other thing, you know, the one that ramblers do with boots on.

Enjoying the fantastic views no doubt!
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