Craig Harwood - Book of Condolence

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Craig Harwood - Book of Condolence

Postby Mandy » Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:26 pm

It is with great sadness that we learned of the news of Craig's fatal fall in Cornwall whilst climbing last week.

Many of us knew Craig very well and shared time with him on the hills and fells and have very happy memories that we would like to share and remember him by.

I have opened a Book of Condolence on behalf of the club to record personal messages from his friends and fellow athletes. We will present the book to Janet at a suitable time. If you would like to add a personal message then please send it to me at Mandy Calvert and I will include it in the book.

With great sadness.

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Re: Craig Harwood - Book of Condolence

Postby Donworkin » Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:03 pm

Yes, bad news indeed. Like some of you though, I had the pleasure of spending a full day with, Craig. It wasn’t too many years ago and at the time he wanted to put some miles together in preparation for some distant event he had in mind, it may have been the Naylor or something like that. Anyway, with enthusiasm he had planned a route along the, River Bollin, from its exit at the Manchester Ship Canal to the Riverside Park at Tytherington. I can’t remember exactly where it was on the ship canal we vacated but the ‘Lovely Janet’ drove us there from the Riverside Park. It was there where people were invited to meet and join the expedition but as it stood only me turned up, which meant I had a roomy ride over to the start point. The run itself turned out to be mostly pleasant even thought it had rained heavy the days before making parts of the route waterlogged and un-passable giving us no option but to make minor detours onto roads and lanes. But it was fun and I could see it didn’t affect Craig one jot and we got on with it with much banter along the way. On nearing Wilmslow, we went under the River Bollin Tunnel, which supports runway 2 of, Manchester Airport. Craig was very impressed with this section of the route and, I think, at a later date, put on a Wednesday evening run to take in the impressive structure.
Craig could always be relied upon for leadership. When running he could handle people, keep them in toe, and even an eye on the stragglers, making sure no one was left too far off the back. Who can say that of anyone now?

Past Wilmslow, the Bollin winds a snake like course that appears to go on forever, especially if one’s tiring, which I was by then but Craig wasn’t and he coaxed me – not with a stick but with subtly and encouragement, which saw me through to the end. And where, if I remember rightly, the ‘ lovely Janet’ was waiting with bananas.

A while back he took to cycling -as the running was affecting his joints. This distanced some contact but I happened to see him last when at Phil Cheek’s the other month- while he was overseeing some building work there. He was as chirpy as ever and we all shared in some light banter. Sorely he’ll be missed.
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Re: Craig Harwood - Book of Condolence

Postby Mr T » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:29 pm

This is a great idea and I for one will be sending you something to include. I too had the pleasure of his company for many memorable hours on the hill in the past and it is a always with a wry smile that I recall many of his "Craig moments." I've never met anyone quite like him. He was an inspiration to me when it came to my BG attempt and his no filter approach to things was something I came to admire. Myself and Elaine's thoughts are with Janet and his family and friends. He will be missed.

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Re: Craig Harwood - Book of Condolence

Postby longshanks » Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:25 pm

As well as following Craig over the hills for many years, I have more recently had the great pleasure of his company on two wheels as we both made up with not being able to run any more with the next best thing. His enjoyment of a challenge, his knowledge and support and above all friendship will be sorely missed. My thoughts are also with Janet and his family and friends.

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Re: Craig Harwood - Book of Condolence

Postby Colin Ardron » Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:56 pm

I also think the idea of a Book of Condolence is a very good one and would encourage all who knew Craig to consider submitting their thoughts. I know from experience what great comfort such a collection of people's recollections can bring to the deceased's partner and families, not just now but far into the future.
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Re: Craig Harwood - some personal memories.

Postby geofpet1 » Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:22 pm

My thoughts are with Janet and the girls after this tragic news.

At times like this it is hard to believe that someone who was so full of life, such a character and part of our 'group' for so long will not be spending time with us again.
It is so very sad.
It is natural to think back and reflect on times spent together and some of the great things we did together......
I cant remember when I first met Craig or the exact circumstances, but it must have been in the late 1980s. At that time Craig was a member of the Bowline Climbing Club in Liecestershire. He seemed to be the 'leader' of the running section. I had never come across a climbing club with a running section before.... I think there was a guy called Paul? Parker who was another leading light of the Bowline runners. They even had their own special running vests. I was impressed...
A group of Macc Harriers somehow started to go down to Craig's to run the Charnwood Hills Race that Craig became organiser of in the early 90s. I think Pete Nolan used to get us together for this, I thin Alan Ireland and Colin Ardron, Phil and Anne Stentiford all went down there among others. We stayed at Craigs flat in Market Harborough. It was an impressive place, surprisingly tidy for a single guy and he had an amazing Hi Fi stereo (as we called them in those days) as well as loads of cool vinyl LPs.
I used to see Craig on lots of events like the Karrimor (the OMM to you youngsters) and some of the Welsh races he seemed to like.
A group of us used to go away doing things in snowy mountains in the Lakes or Scotland either between Christmas and New Year of at New Year, although not a member of Macc Harriers then, nor living near us Craig was usually there.

Craig was the architect for the large extension at the front of my house on Mow Cop. Ive just found the drawings which are dated October 1994. He did a great job and it is one of many things for which I will be eternally grateful. Whilst visiting my house Craig became interested in the climbing around Mow Cop. (nobody at all climbed at Mow Cop by the 1990s...) This led to a large scale Macc Harriers assault on the Old Man of Mow (a 70ft high pillar of gritstone) at the back of my garden. It was ace! we had two teams climbing, one led by Craig (of course) and one by Stuart Gascoyne. The teams kind of climbed over each other in the drive to the top. The abseil off was v interesting! those of you who were there will never forget it. After this me and Craig climbed some very obscure routes in the quarries of Mow Cop. Craig always led, of course, I was a pretty crap climber and happy to follow although on occasions I would refuse! I enjoyed climbing with Craig because he looked after you, and he was one of the safest climbers I have known.

I remember well a great trip we had to Scotland 'doing munroes' - in my log book it is dated October 1995. It was the usual kind of trip - drive up to the highlands as fast as possible. Find somewhere to stay, drink beer and then go out the next day and run/walk as hard as we could in dodgy weather to get as many munroes as possible. This particular trip was to Glen Affric and we had a great night in the remote Glen Affric hostel.

Craig liked organising things and being on committees, giving much of his time and energy to the sport(s) he loved. As far as I am aware he was at various times on the Climbers Club committee, the Fell and Rock, the BMC and obviously Macc Harriers where he became Chairman. I can only imagine the hassle some of this was. I am chairman of Mow Cop Runners with 36 members and it is a hassle at times, but to head up a club like Macc Harriers with 500 members must be pretty difficult and stressful at times. Craig was jokingly accused of 'being a dictator' whilst the Macc Harriers fell representative - to which he said 'well maybe i am but I am a beneficial dictator'. He was known as 'Ben Dic' thereafter - the beneficial dictator. Craig was a natural leader, all his life.

Craig was a very accomplished mountain runner and climber, I remember him winning the KIMM Long Score with Mark Elsgood in the late 1990s. Craig was of course a member of the Bob Graham Club, completing the 42 lake district peaks in the requisite sub 24 hours in 1992. In 1998, with me and Richard Calder he got round the Ramsay Round in Scotland, a much tougher challenge. He had us all waiting on tenterhooks, looking at our watches anxiously but appeared, running at speed up the road to Glen Nevis youth Hostel with a good two or three minutes to spare. Craig had a few goes at the Welsh Paddy Buckley round but was thwarted by weather, injury and such like. I am sure that it was stored in the back of his mind to have another go at when he got over his injuries and got fit again.....

I lost touch with Craig a bit over the last couple of years or so although saw him last November and maybe December too.
I had many great times with Craig, lots of good memories, and its very hard to believe that I wont hear that voice (Craig was often heard before making visual contact!) or see that smiling face again.
Thanks Craig
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