trundle round basque country

Moderators: Philip Barnes, Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy

trundle round basque country

Postby Julian Brown » Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:50 pm

We've (Jo, her sis and me, and a couple of others) signed up for another longish trot in Basque country, northern Spain, about 50 or so km from San Sebastian and Bilbao, and a bit of the world I've not been to.

Second week in July 2013.

Details here

2 routes, it looks on a somewhat smaller scale to the TMB, I imagine it'll be quite challenging enough.... anyone else fancy coming along for a long weekend ? Planning on getting a chalet or something similar.
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Julian Brown
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Re: trundle round basque country

Postby Julian Brown » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:28 pm

There's a few of us Brits on this jaunt now.... but space for a few more according to the organisers.

If you are contemplating it we have booked somewhere to stay here.... a choice of either rooms or hostel / bunkhouse .
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Julian Brown
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