Automatic notification

Moderators: billfox, John K, AJMillest, thebunyans

Automatic notification

Postby CedricM » Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:37 pm

Not a new post I'm sure! But how do I enable automatic notification of new posts on this Forum? (I'm told there should be a box to check at the bottom of the page but either I'm blind - probably - or it doesn't appear for me.) Thanks
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Re: Automatic notification

Postby thebunyans » Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:53 am

Isn't there a subscribe topic button on the bottom of the thread ?
John Bunyan
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Re: Automatic notification

Postby CedricM » Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:01 am

I'm sorry, there is a subscribe topic box at the bottom of the topics (attached example for next w/w trip) - it is checked but I don't get notifications of changes.
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Re: Automatic notification

Postby thebunyans » Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:16 pm

Ok, travelling at the moment, will check it out better in a few days. I get notified of any posts, but I only get notified once until I log in again.
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